= 0.4.7 = Clear old data from buffer on new connection fixes #286 Update package.json for Meteor #271 Thanks StephenClement Support HM-10 on iOS #288 = 0.4.6 = Add support for Android 6.0 (API 23) Permissions. Thanks Sundypha #194, #226, #228 = 0.4.5 = Resolve iOS conflicts with cordova-plugin-ble-central #177 Add support for broadcasted name when discoverable (Android) #137 Thanks marvinmarnold Add a 'browser' target for emulated bluetooth #115 Thanks PhracturedBlue = 0.4.4 = Move plugin to NPM #160 Support iOS 9 #154 #161 Thanks amplexdenmark Work with Adafruit nRF8001 and newer Bluefruit hardware #157 Thanks legege Drop support for Cordova 2.9 = 0.4.3 = New API - Add device callback when scanning for unpaired Bluetooth devices. @shokre #119 #123 Send NO_RESULT to subscribe callback when unsubscribing #121 Fix bug in Chat example Fix write for Adafruit hardware (CBCharacteristicWriteWithoutResponse) = 0.4.2 = Fix typo in WP8 code = 0.4.1 = New APIs * showBluetoothSettings (Android & WP) * enable (Android only) * discoverUnpaired (Android only) Implement isConnected and isEnabled for WP = 0.4.0 = Add Windows Phone 8 #63 = 0.3.5 = Remote NO_RESULT from iOS implementation CB-8063 Switch Adafruit code to WriteWithoutResponse on iOS = 0.3.4 = Support for BlueGiga #96 - @ChrisMorter = 0.3.3 = Write accepts binary data #83 #39 - Adrián Pardini @pardo-bsso Add rawSubscribe for callback with binary data #83 #57 - Adrián Pardini @pardo-bsso Add fallback connection for finicky Android devices #89 - Matt Philips @SkySrfr Fix UUIDs for Laird BL600 #90 - mrtomhoward = 0.3.1 = Add support for Laird BL600 #71 Add unsubscribe for iOS #66 = 0.3.0 = Add support for Adafruit Bluefruit LE http://adafru.it/1697 Use RedBear Lab BLE 2.0.1 - supports for v1 and v2 of the shield in addition to BLEmini Show RSSI for discovered BLE devices, when available Add readRSSI api (BLE only) Fixes issues #4, #5, #23, #24, #25, #26, #38, #54